Why We Recommend Zappos

New to online shopping? What's a Zappos? Please read on.

When we first discovered Zappos com we snooped into everything we could find out about them. When it comes to online shopping we're pretty damn picky! (the privilege of being fogies)!

To us the most important thing is honesty and trustworthiness. The more we looked, the more our trust and confidence in these guys grew. What a refreshing feeling that is these days.

We've done a lot of online buying and selling. These guys do it better than we've seen anywhere. We're really comfortable and confident shopping with them.

We could bore you with all the Zappos 'fact type stuff' like

  • 24/7 live telephone help. No machines. Real Live People!
  • Free Shipping & Free Returns.
  • Free Returns for up to one year. No questions asked!
  • Hundreds of thousands of shoes.
  • Excellent pricing.
  • ... and so on (and it does go on)

...but that gets pretty boring.

To us the real Zappos story is the Zappos people. They just plain do it right! You can just tell that they love helping people. That's SOOOO refreshing these day. Get your 'enthusiasm fix' here. The Zappos Culture video is a 'must see'!

Hints & Tips For Shopping At Zappos com 

Here's a few little tips to make it easier for you to enjoy and get the most out of their site..

  1. Click on one of the links to specific shoes and types below.
  2. Use the 'Narrow Your Choices' panel on the left side of the page to do just that.
  3. Each time you Narrow Your Choice, more choices appear in that column.
  4. Need to 'Back Up' your Search? Go to the "Your Selection' panel just to the right of the 'Narrow Your Choices' Heading and Delete (x) the category you want to Back Out Of.
  5. Click on the picture of the shoe you are interested in to get a whole lot more info including:Color choices (click on color swatch to see whole shoe in that color).Sizing help is found under the Available Sizes Bar.Click on 'Larger Images' to get a larger picture and different views.Click on Video Description under Product Information to get a video demo of that shoe.Find more info on the manufacturer under the Product Information section and read Customer Testimonials.Access links to Zappos Family Culture and more on the right hand lower side of the page.
  6. If you get totally lost when you're searching here's a quick tip to get 'unlost'. Just click on a picture of any shoe, then click on the logo for that manufacturer. Viola! You're back at the starting point for all of the shoes from that manufacturer!
  7. Find other brands of shoes by clicking on Brands on the dark blue bar across the top of the page.
  8. One neat way to keep track of what youve looked at is to Add To Shopping Cart. You can always come back and Remove it later if you change your mind. In the meantime you can just go to Your Shopping Cart to remind yourself what you've seen.

A Brief Word About Zappos Discount Codes 

You may come across sites that talk about Zappos Discount Codes, Zappos Coupon Codes or variations of those words. Please don't be fooled. Zappos does not offer any coupons or discount codes of any kind. You're welcome to read the Zappos com statement on this here.

Top of Why We Recommend Zappos Com Online Store

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